Google to Provide Free Wi-Fi at 400 Railway Stations in India

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Google today announced plans to install high-speed public Wi-Fi in 400 train stations across India.

The plan uses Google Fibre technology, which is currently providing speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps in the US - around 10 times faster than basic Internet. The service will be free to start, with a long-term goal of making it self-sustainable, Google CEO Sundar Pichai wrote in a company blog describing the new initiative.

Google is partnering with Indian Railways, which operates one of the world’s largest railway networks, and RailTel, which provides Internet services via a fiber network along many of these railway lines. The company expects to bring the first stations online in the coming months

The Mountain View, California-based company plans to have the service available in India's 100 busiest stations by the end of 2016.

Pichai notes, “This will rank it as the largest public Wi-Fi project in India, and among the largest in the world, by number of potential users. It will also be fast—many times faster than what most people in India have access to today, allowing travelers to stream a high definition video while they’re waiting, research their destination, or download some videos, a book or a new game for the journey ahead.”
SOURCE: Google Official Blog
