Sign Up for Sprint 40GB Better Choice XXL Plan, Get Free Year of Amazon Prime

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Sprint customers who buy a 40GB monthly shared data plan for $100 a month can now get a free year of Amazon Prime service through a newly created Amazon Better Choice XXL plan.

Monthly, this plan costs $100/month, that price is in addition to $20 per device for line access on non-discounted handsets, or $10 per device for line access from tablets/MBB (mobile broadband) devices

The Better Choice XXL 40GB plan is the largest single bucket of data Sprint offers. And for the $100 a month the plan fetches (access fees additional), users will not only get unlimited talk, text, and that very healthy slice of data, but now also a full year of access to Amazon Prime.

The Amazon Better Choice XXL plan has no overage charges and moves customers to 2G data speeds if they hit their 40GB monthly high-speed data limits, according to Sprint. Customers can also opt for and configure their accounts for automatic data additions at $15 per GB, if desired. The Better Choice XXL plan also includes Sprint Global Roaming, free unlimited international texting from the United States to more than 180 countries and mobile hotspot capabilities.
Source: Sprint